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+Team Training

Quickdraw - Team Finishing Drill

The Skill

This is a drill for all abilities and is designed to mimic running through on goal. It helps players develop their control and their finishing one-on-one with the keeper. Teammates must compete to see who can score first.

The Drill

The drill is designed for 2 rebounders and 2 goals. Use the centre circle as a starting opint for the players and the width of the pitch to mark where the goals are placed. When the whistle blows the 2 players must dribble from the edge of the centre circle and pass the ball into the rebounder so they can turn and run with it towards the goal and shoot. The first person to score wins that round. Play the best of 3 with each set of players.

Cone Setup

Quickdraw - Team Finishing Drill


Be the first to score out of the 2 players. Play a knockout tournament to find the best finisher on your team